Concept: unique content with an appropriate form

Concept: unique content with an appropriate form

Combination of message and form

To put it simply, a concept translates your message into clear content with an appropriate, distinctive form. A concept forms the connection between your communication strategy and its formal and substantive interpretation. Content here means what you want to communicate specifically to your target group. It is through this way that you can stand out as a company.

Know your target audience

With concept development, it is important that you know your target group and that you know how your target group wants to be addressed. You can even have multiple target groups. Divide this over different buyer personas and find out how they want to be approached by you. Discover the needs of your personas and address them with a well-coordinated language and visual elements. What do they want to know? What actions do you want them to take? What do you want them to experience?

Your unique characteristics in the paint

There are many companies with good concepts from which you can certainly get inspiration. This, of course, does not mean that you can unquestionably adopt their concept. The point is that you stand out from the crowd with your unique concept. First, identify your USPs and highlight these characteristics. What can you deliver that the competition cannot do? Many companies take 'high quality' or 'fast service' as unique selling points, but these are therefore rather standard. You better focus on the unique reasons why a person should buy from you and not from the competition. This is also called UBR or Unique Buying Reasons. With this principle, you think from the buyer and you think about the unique reason why a customer or prospect should buy from you. What advantages do they have here?

Creativity and ROI

There is a strong correlation between creativity and more Return On Investment (ROI). Often the most creative ideas are razed to the floor at the meeting table. Too often companies make decisions based on the idea that original proposals are too risky. They think it is too great a risk to miss the ball. However, the examples of unusual campaigns that scored better than expected are countless. Just because they excel in their originality and sometimes even go viral. The maximizing range is invaluable. Creating the same impact with a safe campaign is virtually impossible or requires more budget with a lower ROI as a result. An investment in an original campaign is therefore not only income-increasing but also cost-saving.

Keep it simple: less is more!

It is an art to reduce your story to the essence. Keep the concept simple! This is the only way the message comes across most clearly. A good concept can often be described in one clear sense.
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